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Discover our training courses developed in Luxembourg by certified experts

In-depth training on anti-money laundering law and new legal developments
Practical cases - General and tax indicators that may give rise to suspicious transaction reports
Identification of Ultimate Beneficial Owners and detection of attempts to conceal beneficial ownership
Complying with financial sanctions and cooperating with the authorities
Vulnerabilities, threats and mitigation measures associated with terrorism and its financing
Fight against the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
Tasks of the RC, the RR and the Management - Practical aspects for professionals supervised by the CSSF
AED's anti-money laundering requirements (accounting sector)
AED's anti-money laundering requirements (real estate sector)
OEC requirements regarding adequate internal organisation and cooperation with the authorities
OEC requirements regarding customer due diligence and risk-based approach
CSSF's anti-money laundering requirements
Test and update your knowledge of AML/CTF through Q&A with detailed solutions
Detecting market abuse and complying with Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014
Fighting corruption and reporting suspicious behaviour (whistleblowing)
How to prevent scams (practical cases of Vishing, Smishing, Wardialing, Voip, Spoofing & Dumpster diving)