Transfer your knowledge through e-learning!


Become a partner of Easy-Learning

Tailor-made trainings

You wish to train your staff on aspects that are not included in this catalogue?

We provide tailor-made training for your company based on your needs, policies & procedures.

Our experts will assist you in developing your training and help you answer the following questions:

Our pedagogic approach

Our large catalogue allows us to provide each learner with the training that best suits his/her needs and to create personalised self-training paths (spread over several months, quarters or years).

The training methods used in our E-learning combine theory, practice and knowledge validation tests.

As validation of the learner's knowledge is essential, we have included tests between each chapter of our E-learning courses. The learner must therefore understand and validate his or her knowledge in order to complete the course.

In order to optimise the assimilation of knowledge, our training courses contain a fair balance between theoretical statements, practical cases, quizzes, animations, diagrams and syntheses.

We endeavour to offer professional quality training in terms of pedagogy, graphics and content in order to facilitate the appropriation of knowledge by each learner.

Benefits of E-Learning

For the learner

For the company